The D’Souza Group
Business Category: Professional Services
Contact Person: Paul D'Souza
Address: Vanderwagen, New Mexico
Paul’s "Why" is “Helping people find their Joy”. This simple objective is only possible when one build a deep sense of authenticity and success in ones life and for business owners, that includes their business.
For 20 plus years people has been helping business owners design and build business growth models that are aligned with the whispers of their hearts. So that they can life successful lives both personally and financially.
The approach Paul takes is to first focus on revenue and the ability to generate profitability and corporate value. He does this by addressing business problems in a holistic manner across all client facing teams. Primarily in the functional areas of Go-To-Market strategies, Marketing, Sales Process, Account Management, Customer Support, New Product Development and Exit Planning. Our work is anchored in the OpenExO framework.
For 10 years prior starting his consulting company in 2003 Paul was running non profits, doing political lobbying with the UnitedWay and solving business problems with IT solutions at the largest companies of the world some of them being; J&J, AIG, Chase, American Express, Becton, Dickinson, Prudential, GE, Delta, Coca-Cola. Over the last 10 years, Paul has work primarily out of the Silicon Valley and helped his client companies, sell into Google, Uber, Cliff Bars, PayPal, Delta Dental, etc. as well mentored over 1000 startups at the Founder Institute in Palo Alto, Plug-and-Play in Santa Clara and HAX out of San Francisco.
His deep expertise in designing Supply Chain solutions, SaaS applications, Manufacturing, Medical Devices, Healthcare, Distribution, CyberSecurity, Business Services, Personal Development and several other B2B verticals.